The 8th International Lithographic Symposium Program
DAY 1 – 23/7
Opening of the Symposium 14.00 at Marbodal Center All exhibitions are opened
DAY 2 – 24/7
Seminars with start 09.00 at Marbodal Center
Anna Pireva and Sarah Steuer HfBK Dresden: ”Introduction into the Lithography Studio of the HfBK Dresden since 1924 until today”
Lorena Pradal: ”Where do the Stones go, teaching and spreading the Art of Lithography in Argentina”
Michael Barnes: ”Lithography in the Heartland of America”
Workshops with start 13.30 at the Lithographic Workshop
Peter Hofmann HfBK Dresden: ”Transfer printing and negativ conversion – rubber scribing technique”
Ernst Hanke, Patrick Wagner Schnellpress printing ( continues all week )
Edgar Canos, Daniel Barazza printing ( continues all week )
DAY 3 – 25/7
Seminars with start 09.00 at Marbodal Center
Students of Prof. Ellen Sturm-Loeding: ”Presentation of workshop and school HAW, Hamburg
Simon Burder: ”Seminar”
Peter Stephan Grafikwerkstatt Dresden: ”Systematic Studies on the Printability of Lithoink – Grayscales”
Workshops with start 13.30 at the Lithographic Workshop
Heike Berl: ( at the paper making workshop ) ”Papermaking demonstration”
Carolyn Muskat: ”Lemon Etch Litho”
Ernst Hanke, Patrick Wagner Schnellpress printing
Edgar Canos, Daniel Barazza printing
DAY 4 – 26/7
Seminars with start 09.00 at Marbodal Center
Per Andersson: ”Lithography in Mexico” Franz Hoke: ”Lithographic Crayon and Tusche”
Sanjay Kumar: ”Real Gold Lustre in Lithography”
Workshops with start 13.30 at the Lithographic Workshop
Franz Hoke: ”Lithographic Crayon and Tusche” Sanjay Kumar: ”Real Gold Lustre in Lithography”
Ernst Hanke, Patrick Wagner Schnellpress printing
Edgar Canos, Daniel Barazza printing
DAY 5 – 27/7
Seminars with start 09.00 at Marbodal Center
Fritz Best: ”Printmaking, Social Engagement and Non-Tangible Cultural Heritage”
Olivia Christen: ”Journey to the Stones”
Workshops with start 13.30 at the Lithographic Workshop
Ernst Hanke, Patrick Wagner Schnellpress printing
Edgar Canos, Daniel Barazza printing
DAY 6 – 28/7
Seminars with start 09.00 at Marbodal Center
Serena Smith: ”Lithography – Language”
Jim Berggren: ”Updating on ENDEGRA”
Anna Trojanowska: ”Dancing with the Stone
Workshops with start 13.30 at the Lithographic Workshop
Jim Berggren: ”Transfer of Laser writing to stone”
Ernst Hanke, Patrick Wagner Schnellpress printing
Edgar Canos, Daniel Barazza printing
DAY 7 – 29/7
Seminars with start 09.00 at Marbodal Center
Per Wahlström: Historical Summary; Lithography in Tidaholm
Jan af Burén: ”Lithography Prevails; Development of Lithography inSweden 1830 – 1909”
Workshops with start 13.30 at the Lithographic Workshop
Ernst Hanke, Patrick Wagner Schnellpress printing
Edgar Canos, Daniel Barazza printing
Lunch every day 12.00 – 13.30
Exhibitions open every day 11.00 – 17.00
All participants are welcome to do their own work in the Lithographic Workshop during the Symposium.
The Symposium PUB is opened for participants every evening 23/7 – 31/7 from 18.00 at Marbodal Center